Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taylor's trip into the dramatic arts

Oh my dear, dear Taylor. The sweat. The tears. The daily requests, "Mom why can't I quit?!! I loathe this play! It's soooooo boring!" But, you stuck it out. You persevered. You followed through with your commitment and alas..... You LOVED the applause! Drama is a new found addiction. Broadway, she'll be of age soon enough!


  1. Is that a giant yawn in the first pic? ( :

  2. Send me tickets to all your big shows Taylor!

    And hooray for mommy for makin' her stick to it. She will thank you when she's famous. Probably.

  3. If only I had stuck to everything I started, I would be a magnificent creature! Michael Phelps, George Winston, Nolan Ryan Pabloo Picasso, Michael Crighton and Bono all rolled into one.... "sigh"
