Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Papa you are missed

I wish to honor my Papa.
I would love to write with such eloquence and brilliant word pictures, that it would cause your mind's eye to truly understand what this man meant to me. But the reality is, that there aren't words sufficient enough to express my Papa's true value to you. To elaborate on a feeling of the heart using mere words, no matter how strong said feeling might be, is like trying to explain the taste of ice cream to someone who can't taste....It simply is inadequate.
So I will quietly say this.
My Papa was a rock.
An amazing rock.
A rock that had many layers; faithfulness, strength, courage, humility, patience, respect, honor, compassion, dignity, diligence, honesty.
And just like when a rock is hurled onto the smooth surface of a lake, and that tiny, seemingly insignificant object immediately transforms the entire texture of an immense surface area?
THAT is the persuasion of legacy that my Papa has left.
The ripples that are still radiating, caused by my Papa's life will be seen and felt for decades to come.
I will love you forever my dear Papa.
You ran your race well....

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